A Moment In My LiFe

Can I say I'm tired
I'm tired of smiling when I'm down
I'm tired
of trying to cheer up
when nothing goes right

There's a moment in my life
that just for once
I want to think of me and myself
without having to worry
of what other's think of me

There's a moment in my life
that I want to be alone
enjoying myself
without being afraid of
offending others

There's a moment in my life
That I want to smile, cry or laugh
without having to explain why

There's a moment in my life
that I want to think by myself
without letting others influence me

There's a moment in life
that I need to have
a moment in my life


metty said…
yaya lagi 'dapet' ya? hehehe...
tp memang, excuse 'lg dapet' sbnrnya plg ampuh dipake klo emosi kita lg naik turun dan kita males ngejelasin knp kita gitu.
Anonymous said…
gue juga suka gitu Ya, makanya bikin blog 'di balik mikrofon' hahahahahaha....can't keep smiling all the time can we???

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