Omma...Na Saranghaeyo
My mom...
So many things to say about my mom. Someone who delivered me 25 years ago, someone who kept me company (with my dad) when I had a heart operation 18 years ago, and someone who will be the first to know whenever I am sick.
I didn't realize how mom means so much to me.....until 2 years ago.
At that time, mom had Steven Johnson Syndrome and "this close" to die. Mom was so vulnerable, weak and the saddest thing is she almost forgot her daughters. It took months for mom's recovery, she had not have the courage to out of the house (because along with her sickness, her self esteem had gone too), and she was very sensitive.
I thank Allah for letting mom stay with me, because I don't know what I would do if there was no mom.
Omma....Na Saranghaeyo...