Untuk apa kita butuh bintang bila kita sudah memiliki bulan dan matahari? Itu salah satu dari sekian komen yang aku dapet dari postingan puisi "Maaf untuk langit", yang aku buat minggu lalu. I can't help myself not to ponder about that question. Turned out, it's not an easy question to answer. Even when I'm in the middle of writing this, the BIG WHY is still holding on in my deepest mind. Sorry to disappoint you, but I can't answer that with long romantic explanations, and surely I can' asnwer without asking another question. Have you ever found yourself in the very darkest moment of your own life? Alhamdulillaah, up to now my life has never been in that darkest moment. Well, there was one time I found myself not very sure of myself. But, Alhamdulillaah (again), I still have my so called pegangan, which is Sholat, curhat sama Allah. And here comes my answer. Bintang mungkin keliatannya kecil kalau kita menengadahkan kepala ke langit. Dan mungkin juga, ti...