What is love, anyway?

Love is
accepting someone for what and who he is

Love is
being able to forgive someone for what he has done to you

Love is
never questioning

Love is
being able to smile, though knowing something bad about someone you love

Love is
keep praying for someone you love, even he has gone

Love is
being grateful because he is still alive and happy, although not with you

Love is
never stop believing in him


Yang pasti sih Ya..
LOVE is WoNDeRfuL ThING laahh!
hehe.. bener ngga?! :))
Kartina Mutien said…
cinta....apa yah..pusing ach...
yg pasti sungguh nikmat kalo kita selalu dicintai dan bisa mencintai seseorang...*hughs*
complicated... cinta atau manusialah yang membuatnya complicated?
Eddy Fahmi said…
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very very extra-ordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can ;)
L. Pralangga said…
One other thing Yaya.. :) :

Love is being able to stand the test of time in faithfulness.

Itu yang kadang menjadi tantangan terberat, at least buat saya yang jauuuh sekali dari rumah.
``` said…
Mba Yaya....Sama2 lagi ngomongin cinta nih.....he..he..^^
caranita said…
In short: love = willingness to be foolish? Ouch!
IndigoDeviLLe said…
Love makes the impossible become possible, you do the things you thought you'd never do.
Sisca said…
Love is when somebody love me *kwikkwik*
Mama Krucils said…
nice posting ... it's always about love .. love .. and love ...
Innuendo said…
and..when u love somebody, set them free
Ida Syafyan said…
Kalo cinta versi aku, gak buta-buta amat sih, rabun dikit lah... hehehe. Tapi yg jelas cinta harus memiliki, kalo kira2 gak bisa memiliki ya gak usah deket2 deh... ciiaaaatt...

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